Bird Spikes

Often called Pigeon Spikes, Gull Spikes, Avipoint or Bird Spikes

A Sign in Newcastle City Centre Covered in feral pigeons

Bird Spikes are cost effective, almost invisible when installed, fit onto any surface, easy to install and maintain, weather-proof, long lasting and humane.

Bird Spike or Pigeon Spike wires are made from substantial 1.4mm diameter high grade stainless steel, and are cut flat to prevent injury to both installer and Feral Pigeon and Seagulls. The spikes can be very quickly installed using weatherproof adhesives.

Bird spikes are most effective against Feral Pigeons roosting or nesting on ledges such as those shown in this photograph.

If you would like a quote to fit bird spikes or would like to book a visit to have a chat, please get in touch