Case bearing moth

The moths are approximately 5mm in length. Forewings are yellowishbrown, and there are usually three distinct, dark dots on the outer third of each wing. Hind wings are smaller, lighter, and fringed with hair and scales. Eggs are whitish, and larvae are opaque-white with brown heads.

Clothes moths rarely fly to lights at night and instead prefer darkness, such as a closet or storage chest. Any clothes moths fluttering around the house are probably males, because females travel by running, hopping, or trying to hide in the folds of clothing. The female lays 100 – 150 white eggs on the surface of the fabric which will hatch into larvae in approximately 5 days. The period of larval development is usually 6 weeks, during which time the larvae actively feed on the fabric, however, this can take considerably longer under cooler conditions.

Treatment is similar for all the textile moths. Examine closets and stored goods for larvae cases, moths, and damage to locate the source of infestation before treatment. Once the source has been identified treat/destroy as necessary. Aresidual insecticide can then be applied to wall/floor and ceiling/ wall junctions and around carpet edges, back of empty wardrobes etc. If the infestation is present in a loft or roof space then the area can also be treated with a residual insecticide and/or a space treatment (ULV, smoke etc).

Case Bearing Moth -