Contact Us

for all your pest control needs in Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, Northumberland and Cleveland.

Speak with an Expert in Pest Control

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If you would rather speak with someone immediately you can always contact us on these numbers

Lady on phone taking a pest control enquiry in Newcastle

Freephone: 0800 1971865

Office: 0191 486 2402

If you are looking for a pest controller in Newcastle, Gateshead, Sunderland, Durham or Northumberland give us a call.

  • A photograph of a small mouse taken from the front
    Three treatments to control mice in a domestic property, we will advise on proofing to ensure you wont become infested again. And we will leave a written report after each visit.
  • Anatomy of a wasp
    Treatment to kill off a wasp nest in a domestic property using no access equipment.
    This treatment is guaranteed.
  • Photograph of pest black ant specied that infest homes in Tyne and Wear
    Garden Ants
    One treatment to control garden ants in a domestic property.