Signs of bed bug infestation

An unexplained rash or raised area on the skin could be an allergy or bite from another insect, not necessarily a bedbug.
30% Chance you have bedbugs

Bites on the skin still aren’t positive evidence of a bedbug infestation. They could be a bite from another insect such as a flea or mosquito.
45% Chance you have bedbugs

Black spots on the sheets, pillow case, duvet or around the bed could well be the faecal marks left by bedbugs.
65% Chance you have bedbugs

Bedbug exuviae or cast skins can usually be found around the harbourage of bedbugs.
70% Chance you have bedbugs
They can be brought into your premises on the bottom of bags and possible in clothes.

Dead bedbugs found around your bed are a good sign that you have a bedbug infestation.
80% Chance you have bedbugs

If you have found live bedbugs around your bed or on your bed linen you can be sure you have bedbugs.
100% certain you have a bedbug infestation.

Unexplained rash 30%
Bites on the skin 45%
Black spots on the sheets 65%
Cast skins 70%
Dead Bedbugs 80%
Live Bedbugs 100% certain you have bedbugs

If you have found several of these signs of bedbug infestation you need professional help inspect and possibly control them