Fox Control

North East England, County Durham, Newcastle,

A fox with sarcoptic mange

Please be assured we will deal with your fox problem in a humane and professional manner. Please ring to discuss your requirements with us directly.

Urban foxes are becoming a nuisance in the North East of England as well as most other areas in the UK.

Urban foxes live on a diet of cast off foodstuffs scavenged from refuse bags, wheelie bins, bin areas around our dwellings and food put out by well meaning but badly informed animal lovers.

Urban foxes can carry a range of parasites and diseases that can infect and infest domestic pets and people. As members of the canine family foxes are known to carry contagious diseases which can affect the health of dogs and cats.

Most foxes have a variety of fleas and ticks but the most common disease which foxes are likely to transmit to man is toxocariasis. Also sarcoptic mange (sarcoptes scabeii) is the single most common infection in foxes. Mange or scabies is a parasitic mite that will infect pets.

We now have a dedicated Fox Control website at

The new Fox Control website has a lot of resources and advice including advice on preventing foxes from taking up residence on your property and moving them on if they do.

Throughout 2014 We have invested a lot of time and money on fox control equipment and training.
We now offer fox control throughout the whole of the North East, including Newcastle, Durham and Sunderland.

In 2014 Pest Pro has been called in by several farmers, property owners and landowners to remove problem foxes. Urban foxes are becoming a serious problem now througout the UK.

Checkout the blog on the site for several stories from the news around the UK and US.

Help yourself by keeping your property fox unfriendly