Pizza shop in Hull closed due to mouse infestation
The Yorkshire Pizza shop on Beverley Road was closed when a council inspection team found an ‘active mouse infestation’ . The EHO found evidence of an ongoing mouse infestation throughout the premises.
The EHO went on to say:
”The fact that the premises and equipment were dirty throughout, and that there were food contamination issues, posed a serious and imminent risk to public health.
“These conditions along with evidence of a heavy mouse infestation left the Environmental Health Officers with little option other than to immediately close the business and apply to the Magistrates for a Hygiene Emergency Prohibition Order.
“ Once we are satisfied there is no longer any risk to public health the business will be allowed to re-open.
Why does this keep happening? Restaurants need to take serious precautions against such infestations. Having a clean working environment is important for reputation and peace of mind.