Rats invade Vogue: Defecating calling cards left on desks of new luxury offices

Rat control by professional contractors in NewcastleThe luxury offices of Vogue are overrun by rats with the latest reports calling this a big problem that has gone from bad to worse at the Conde Nast’s One World Trade Center Offices. It is so bad that memos have gone out prohibiting employees from eating at their desks as the rats have chewed through the ceiling and carpets trying to get to any food available, according to Fashion Times on Dec. 12.

Once at their desired destination they pooped all over the sports editor’s desk and keyboard. It is to the point where the editor and chief, Anna Wintour, doesn’t want to go in the building anymore, according to the New York Daily News. The video above addresses Wintour’s disdain over the rat infestation.

The infamous accessories closet at Vogue has been invaded by the rats, evident by their defecating calling cards, which they left behind. You can pretty much tell where the rats have been romping because the evidence of droppings are plentiful. One staff member said “The girls that work here see the droppings everywhere. It’s nasty,” reports The Gawker a couple of weeks ago. It appears the rat problem has been going on long enough that it’s safe to say that it is not a fleeting problem.

Previous reports of the rat problem came from staff at Vogue, but now it is to the point where the rats have “taken over” more of the publishing house. Graydon Carter, the editor of Vanity Fair, which is another publishing house in the building, was asked by the New York Daily News if “the little beasts are as disgusting as we’ve heard?” His reply came with laughter,

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